Sunday, September 03, 2006

Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Gururdevo Maheshwarah

I talked to two of the greatest people whom I have had the fortune to have been taught by, Mr.M.S.Devaraj and Mr. N.R.Beloor. Both were extremely kind and gentle and were very happy that I had called. I consider myself thoroughly trained in scientific thinking and pose a scientific problem to me and I am sure I can reason it out. I am now a non formal science educator and have the occasion to meet many international experts in several fields of science. Having completed my post graduation in Applied Electronics, I recently made a Gallery of exhibits on Human Biology, the contents of which were greatly appreciated even by the doctors of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences. I can talk genetics knowledgeably with scientists involved in the Human Genome Project. I owe this confidence in and love for science because of the foundations laid by two great souls Devaraj and Beloor. Devaraj Master is with the St.Philomina’s High School in Mysore and has 3 years to go before his retirement. Beloor Master is the Principal of a Pre University College in Shahabad and retires in 2010. We see that neither of them have become the Managers or Directors that some of us have become. But the combined knowledge and wealth of us all, came from those wellsprings. My head bows in reverence to them. Simultaneously, I urge any of you who read this blog to render to them any service or help that they may need at any time. I will be writing more about them as we progress.